dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

My English competence in 2009

The best oral evidence that I made for me are the music therapy, because I think that wth the time I learned how to speek more fluancy in english, for example, in the past I was to study the things that I have to said, but now no, now I have to think it and translait in english. For this reason I think that the last oral is the best, because I didn't studied this and I think that it was well. (I don't have the link of the oral presentation)
My best written in all this time is very dificult to say wich is, because all the writens are the seame more or less. But the written that I like more is the one of "tijs". I think that is this because is one written that I spend a lot of time and is one that I don't need any help from internet or form somebody. I think that the gramar is correct and the structure and the fluancy are correct too.

My English 2007 - 2009

The first written email I produced comparate with the last composition that I made are very diferent. I remember that when I write at the beguinin I had to look word by word in the dictionarie, to look the translate, but now I haven't look the dictionarie a lot of times. The gramatic are very diferent, in the last composition I use more complicated words and times. The structure are better in the lasts compositions, the fluency, and the mature of the compositions now are best than the firsts one.
I think that with the time the most important that I improved are the fluancy, now I can write about a lot of things with less time, and with a desenvolupated vocabulary.

A new way to find lost pets

There are a lot of people that lost her pets and then they don't know how find they. There are a new tecnology to find they. It consists on a GPS collar, for dogs or cats, this is waterproof and weight less than 2.5 ounces. This collar costs 250 pounds. With this you can know where is your pet in all moment.

CNN news

Music relieves stress

Country or classical, hip-hop, all music is useful to relive stress. The specialists say that the music is the best destressers, to play an instrument or listen music.The people who listen her favourite tunes make a reaction in the brain and the body that makes protect the pression or the heard...
Specialists recomend to listen music, but they say that listen one song a lot of times can lose the efect of music.
News videos from CNN.

dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

10 euros for 126.000

One man wins 126.000 milions of euros. The man, who nobody knows who is, buied the lotery on a shop in Madrid only for 10 euros. Is the men more rhich in Spain, and with more lucky.
I think its better that nobody know ohw is he, because then is drangerous for he and her family, because there are a lot of people who don't have money and can make all the things to buy only for eat.
Congratulations man.


There are every day new things in our society. Somethings are good for us but there are things that can make you "go to the hell". This last years in America there are more and more people hooked on drugs, but one in special, the methadona. This drug are the most dreangerous drug that can exist in the world because the effects are more strong than the cocain, LSD or others. Is drangerous because is very cheap, you pay only one euro for a dose. Is a drug that you can make it in house. But the problem is that if you try it then you need more and more. There are wvery day more people that are addict at it. Its very difficult to leave it, the 92% of the people that try to leave it, returns to consume.

Its better don't try it never.

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

Human rights

Human rights:

- Men and women have equal rights.

- No one shall be subjected to slavery.

- Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and religion.

- Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression of ideas.

- No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or may cause you physical harm, mental or moral.

All humans have some rights that make that there are not diferences between all people of the world.
There are so much rights, but I have select five, the ones that I think that are most interesants or that I think that this is not true at the moment.

The first right are that all mens and womens have to be equals rihgts, but this is not true, because in a lot of countries and sometimes in Spain too, a lot of womans have less rights that the mans.
The second one I think that is a big evolution in our history, if now I see somebody that are slavery I couldn't belive it.
The other I think that its very important, all people have to belive what they want to belive, without nobody says that they can't or things like this. Everybody have to be free, this is the same that the next right that I put, all people have to have the right to say her opinions without being punished.

The last right is one of the most importants because now there are people who torture or make inhuman thinks at other people, and this can’t be.

I think that the conclusión of the human rights is that all people have to be equal and all people have to look for the other.