dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

My English competence in 2009

The best oral evidence that I made for me are the music therapy, because I think that wth the time I learned how to speek more fluancy in english, for example, in the past I was to study the things that I have to said, but now no, now I have to think it and translait in english. For this reason I think that the last oral is the best, because I didn't studied this and I think that it was well. (I don't have the link of the oral presentation)
My best written in all this time is very dificult to say wich is, because all the writens are the seame more or less. But the written that I like more is the one of "tijs". I think that is this because is one written that I spend a lot of time and is one that I don't need any help from internet or form somebody. I think that the gramar is correct and the structure and the fluancy are correct too.